Policy Statement

Policy Statement


 Policy Statement 2021-2027 - PL 

Deklaracja polityki Erasmusa

Uniwersytet Rolniczy im. Hugona Kołłątaja w Krakowie mocno wspiera wszelkie działania Unii Europejskiej w zakresie modernizacji i internacjonalizacji szkolnictwa wyższego, a możliwość uczestnictwa w międzynarodowym programie wymianie ERASMUS+ jest niezbędna dla realizacji celów, strategii i planów naszej uczelni. Jesteśmy świadomi, że współczesny świat, który znamy może przetrwać jedynie dzięki zrównoważonemu wykorzystaniu jego zasobów i coraz szerszemu wykorzystaniu odnawialnych źródeł energii. Rosnąca populacja ludzi wymaga zapewnienia bezpiecznej żywności o dobrej jakości. Świat potrzebuje ekspertów, zdolnych sprostać procesom powszechnej globalizacji.

Strategia uczelni uwzględnia prowadzenie badań naukowych w dziedzinach o kluczowym znaczeniu dla środowiska i produkcji żywności, a także kształcenie specjalistów według programów uwzględniających wyniki najnowszych badań, tym samym wnosząc istotny wkład w intelektualny rozwój świata.

Będziemy kontynuować uczestnictwo w międzynarodowych programach wymiany, gdyż jest to inspiracją do ciągłego doskonalenia  strategii kształcenia i modernizacji programów studiów dostosowanych do wymogów zmieniającego się świata.

Uczelnia kształci swoich studentów wykorzystując najnowsze osiągnięcia naukowe i metody pragnąc, aby studia były ciekawym doświadczeniem umożliwiającym zdobycie rzetelnej wiedzy w wybranej dyscyplinie.

Nasza strategia kształcenia uwzględnia też rozwijanie  umiejętności informatycznych studentów, które będą mieć  kluczowe znaczenie w coraz bardziej zdygitalizowanym społeczeństwie w Europie i na świecie. Dlatego naszym zamiarem jest udoskonalanie systemów informatycznych na uczelni służących studentom UR i  przyjeżdżającym z innych uczelni.

Program ERASMUS+ ma kluczowe znaczenie dla rozwoju Uczelni, gdyż:

- pozwala osiągnąć wysoką jakość kształcenia i badań naukowych dla zapewnienia lepszej internacjonalizacji uczelni  czyniąc ją rozpoznawalną w Europie,

 - motywuje studentów i nauczycieli akademickich do ciągłego doskonalenia umiejętności językowych,

- otwiera umysły i sprawia, że zarówno studiowanie jak i prowadzenie zajęć staje się bardziej atrakcyjne,

- pracownicy uczelni mogą czerpać inspirację oraz dzielić się doświadczeniem z kolegami w uczelniach partnerskich,

- dla studentów UR, zwłaszcza pochodzących z obszarów wiejskich, program jest życiową szansą zaliczenia części studiów za granicą i znacznie pomaga w dalszej karierze zawodowej. 

Strategia uczelni uwzględnia szerokie międzynarodowe zaangażowanie UR, partnerstwa z krajami Unii Europejskiej i innymi krajami uczestniczącymi w programie.

Przy wsparciu z Programu ERASMUS+ będziemy opracowywać programy kształcenia w języku angielskim dla studentów z całego świata i tworzyć międzynarodową społeczność akademicką.

W doborze partnerów zagranicznych stawiamy na różnorodność. Wśród instytucji partnerskich UR są uniwersytety nauk przyrodniczych, weterynaryjnych, ale także inne uczelnie i politechniki, co stanowi bogatą i różnorodną ofertę edukacyjną dla naszych studentów.

Jesteśmy nastawieni na rozwijanie wielostronnych partnerstw strategicznych, których celem jest budowanie potencjału przy współudziale podmiotów gospodarczych, szczególnie w sektorze przemysłu spożywczego i doradztwa rolniczego.

Wykorzystując dotychczasowe kontakty z krajami w UE i uczestniczącymi w programie planujemy kontynuować i rozwijać współpracę z instytucjami spoza uczelni, aby zwiększyć oddziaływanie programu na terenie regionu i wzmocnić współpracę z przemysłem, wciąż poszukując nowych partnerów.

Będziemy zachęcać studentów i nauczycieli do korzystania z możliwości wymiany jakie daje ERASMUS+ poprzez szeroką promocję korzyści edukacyjnych (zaliczenie części studiów) i zawodowych (praktyki) dla jego beneficjentów.

Program jest coraz lepiej rozpoznawalny i coraz bardziej popularny wśród studentów i kadry akademickiej UR. Planowana jest wzmożona promocja Programu, wszechstronna pomoc przy planowaniu programu studiów w uczelni partnerskiej i stworzenie procedur umożliwiających bezproblemowe uznawanie osiągnięć studenta na uczelni partnerskiej. Planujemy coraz liczniejszy udział w wymianie ERASMUS+ zarówno nauczycieli akademickich, jak i personelu administracyjnego odpowiedzialnego za obsługę programu.

W kolejnej edycji RASMUS+ wprowadzane będą znaczne ułatwienia dla beneficjentów (wszelkie procedury odbywać się będą on-line).

Biuro Wymiany Międzynarodowej zapewni wszelką pomoc dotyczącą procedur administracyjnych nadzorując wprowadzanie elektronicznej procedury rejestracji.

Program ERASMUS+ jest i pozostanie najważniejszym narzędziem internacjonalizacji uczelni.


 Policy Statement 2021-2027 - EN 

ERASMUS+ Policy Statement

The University of Agriculture in Krakow (AUK) strongly supports all EU efforts aimed at modernisation and internationalisation of higher education, so the opportunity to participate in the ERASMUS+ mobility is integral to the realisation of our institutional plans, strategies and goals. We are aware that contemporary world, as we know it, may be saved only by sustainable management of its resources and increasingly greater utilisation of renewable energy sources. Safe and high quality food must be provided for a growing human population. The world needs experts capable to meet the challenges. University of Agriculture strategy comprises conducting research in the areas of key importance for the environment and food production, but also educating specialists on the programmes including the latest research results, therefore contributing to the intellectual development of the world. We will continue to participate in international mobility programmes, since it is an inspiration for the on-going improvement of the educational strategy and modernization of teaching programmes to adjust them to the needs of fast changing world.

The university educates students using the latest research achievements and methods trying to make the studies an interesting experience allowing to gain reliable knowledge in a chosen discipline.

Our strategy includes also developing student computer skills, which will prove of key importance in the increasingly more digitalized society in Europe and all over he world. Therefore, we plan to  improve IT systems at the university to make them friendly for our and incoming students.

ERASMUS+ Programmes is of crucial importance for the university because:

-       it allows to achieve a high quality of education and research to ensure better internationalisation of the university, making it visible in Europe,

-       it motivates students and academic teachers for further improvement of their language skills,

-       it opens minds and makes both studying and teaching more attractive,

-       academic staff will get inspired and share their experiences with their colleagues in partner institutions,

-       for the University of Agriculture students, particularly these from rural areas, the programme is a life opportunity to complete part of their studies abroad and considerably helps in their future professional careers.

The university strategy includes a comprehensive involvement in the partnerships with the EU member states and other countries participating in Erasmus+ Programme.

Owing to the ERASMUS+ support we will develop educational programmes in English for students from all over the world creating an international academic community. Our partner institutions comprise universities of life and veterinary sciences, other universities and polytechnics, which constitutes a diverse and rich educational offer for our students.

We are eager to develop multilateral strategic partnerships, aimed at capacity building with economic subjects, particularly in food production sector and agricultural advisory units. Basing on our contacts with the EU partners and other participating countries we plan to continue and develop cooperation with the non-university institutions to increase the programme impact in the region and strengthen collaboration with industry, while constantly seeking new partners.

We will encourage both students and teachers to use the mobilities offered by ERASMUS+ through intensive promotion of the educational (completion of a part of the programme) and professional (traineeships) benefits it gives. Programme is increasingly better recognized and popular among students of and staff of UAK. We plan more intensive promotion of the programme, comprehensive assistance at preparing Learning agreements and creating procedures for efficient and full recognition of the learning outcomes achieved at partner institution. We plan far more numerous participation in ERASMUS+ mobility for both academic teachers and administrative staff responsible for the programme running.

Soon ERASMUS+ will considerably facilitate admissions process, as all procedures will be conducted on-line.

International Relations office will provide all necessary assistance concerning administrative procedures and supervise electronic registration process.

Erasmus+ Programme has always been and shall remain the most important tool for the university internationalisation.



Policy Statement 2014-2020

The main objective of the University of Agriculture in Krakow is educating experts for agriculture, food and forest economies and environmental protection, able to meet the challenges of sustainable development. Participation in Erasmus programme will allow students gain additional knowledge and practical skills, provide opportunities to test language skills and intellectual potential, experience different teaching method and examination procedure. They will learn to live and work in multinational environments. Lectures or classes delivered by visiting lecturers from partner institutions will test our students’ understanding of the courses taught in a foreign language. Academic teachers participating in the programme will present their knowledge and language skills outside the parent university, meet more diversified students and gain valuable experience for future academic careers.

Multilateral projects will best serve the updating teaching contents and modernizing educational programmes to widen education offer. One of these may be e-Learning programmes in which we have already started cooperation with agricultural universities in the neighbouring countries. Future actions include cooperation with industry in the area of food production and other institutions in sustainable rural development aiming at developing outreach programmes offered by the Continuing Education Center created at the University of Agriculture in Krakow.

The programme outline has been published in an internal university newsletter sent to all organizational units and current progress of the programme will be reported there too. The programme description, information for students and teachers will be put on specially designed website together with information for incoming students. Full information about the programme, partner institutions and application deadlines will be displayed on a special Erasmus clipboard. The photograph of Erasmus Charter will be published in the University Bulletin, whereas the framed original will be displayed in the International Relations Office. Articles about the programme, opinions of its participants and statistical data will be published regularly in the university Bulletin.

Student and teacher recruitment will be preceded by meetings with Faculty coordinators and Deans responsible for didactic process and detailed information will be disseminated to all faculties. Meetings for interested candidates will be organized on all campuses; questions may be also send all questions by e-mail using a specially provided box on Erasmus website.

Programme is equally open to both genders and disabled students, should any apply. The university is adapted to receive students with movement disability.

Orientation weeks and buddy programmes will be organized for incoming students and all required information will be provided in printed form and by updated website.

Quality of academic mobility activities

Institutions with which Bilateral Agreements are signed are mostly renown European institutions, are well known to us from previous years of cooperation. Contact are usually made by faculty coordinators, who know the teaching programmes and can advise students on their choice of courses. The outgoing students are encouraged to visit websites of partner institutions to choose the best suited partner and then consult their choices with coordinators.

International relations office holds regular meeting with coordinators to inform then about the latest development of Erasmus programme, maintains contact with partner institutions, and offers every kind of assistance both to students and teachers. Preparatory language courses will be offered to outgoing students, willing to participate.

Faculty coordinators help students to prepare Learning Agreements, the documents are consulted with partner institutions. Agreements prepared on the basis of website course offer are signed by faculty coordinator and Dean (on our side) are then sent by IRO to partner institution for approval. Moreover, each outgoing student must prepares a “compatibility sheet” to compare the courses in the programme of studies in Poland and abroad. List of courses is agreed and signed before student’s leave for partner institution. Generally the course offer published on website is actual. All changes are consulted and introduced in a written form. Students are in touch with IRO and coordinators during their stay abroad, reporting progress or any problems and necessary changes in their Learning Agreements.

ECTS system has been introduced at all faculties of University of Agriculture, therefore the deans recognize the study period abroad, except one or two course which a student has to complete(no programmes are completely compatible). Erasmus students are allowed to complete their studies following individual study programmes arranged with the dean. For the next programme edition we also plan monitoring visits at partner universities. The study period abroad are included in the candidate profile of the Diploma Supplement issued to each graduate.

So far we have had little experience with incoming students, however in future we will organize tutoring and buddy programmes, as well as integration activities for them. Members of Student self-government have declared their help. Accommodation is provided for all foreign students who require it under the same conditions as for Polish students.

Teaching periods abroad are taken into consideration by the commission making regular periodic evaluation of teachers. Student placements are considered crucial for future graduates professional careers. Theoretical knowledge needs to be tested in practice, therefore practical training has been always an inseparable part of university education constituting one of the obligatory subjects. An academic tutor for students is appointed at each faculty for each specialization offered and under their guidance students prepare choose the enterprise in which they will be placed and prepare the work programmes. The tutor is responsible for monitoring their placements and holding an examination at the conclusion of the placement. The examination has been obligatory for further progress of studies. Some students were placed at the University experimental units where they could participate in research works. Erasmus will provide better opportunities to organize practical placements in foreign enterprises therefore enabling our students to meet the challenges of the European labour market and test their knowledge and skills in multinational environment. We hope that students will acquire new skills and ideas which could be even used to modernize out teaching programmes.

A coordinator of student mobility for placements will be appointed to supervise all administrative work. Each faculty will appointed a tutor responsible for the professional aspect of training. Such person will help student find the proper placement, prepared working programme and monitor his stay abroad. At this point we hope to use Their stay in foreign enterprises will be recognized as an additional achievement and mentioned in the Diploma Supplement.



Policy Statement